Thursday, September 22, 2016

The US made its bed, It's time to lie down in it

Dear Amerikkka,
You Made This Bed, Now Lie Down in It

If anyone would like to know why I am actually in favor of so called "illegal immigration" (or "undocumented" worker migration), it’s because I can’t stand the people who are against it. Yes, you read that correctly. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I have very simple life philosophies, such as pacifism, symbiosis, existentialism, etc. However, simple does not mean weak or dumb, it just means not complex in any way. It has lead me to knowledge of self and the opening of my spiritual eyes to divine human existence. It allows me to find amusement in veiled racism and bigotry such as that exemplified by the legislation being proposed (and passed) by elitist, anti-immigrant, closeted Klan members.

“Ah, gee whiz", you say, "they are taking jobs from Americans”. That’s funny; I don’t know anyone who would do the type of work an immigrant can get. “well...they are driving up the cost of healthcare.” Oh Really? Then why are pharmaceutical companies thriving in the midst of recession? Their presence makes an even stronger argument for Universal Healthcare. These people are making YOUR food, cutting YOUR lawns, doing YOUR laundry and you have the temerity to deny them basic human rights? Just where would that authority come from? If Canadians or Europeans were coming in “illegally” not one of you racist hypocrites would say a damn thing. Fortunately, Canadians have better sense and Europeans would not want to take a step down intellectually or culturally to come and live here. Chip-on-your-shoulder or not, that is how the world views the US. And they are exactly right.

But all that is irrelevant, because the reason for illegal immigration is also very simple. The corporations that control the US government (yes, you read that correctly also) through policies such as NAFTA and though covert military operations in South and Central America have forced abject poverty upon a society that was already crippled by two decades of ethnic cleansing via Reaganomics. NAFTA forced Mexican farmers into bankruptcy and starvation with no other choice than to cross the border in search of salve-wage labor jobs. Military invasions (in the form of a coup) of Central American countries as well as Venezuela (which failed miserably) have created a system of refugees pouring into the US because they remain loyal to the fascist US-sponsored puppet regimes. Let us also not forget 20 years of CIA drug trafficking, Iran-Contra and neocon/neolib trade legislation that send all of the untrained and poorly-educated American’s jobs to China. 

United States Americans always want the problem solved without ever trying to come up with a solution. That should not come as a shock to anyone. It’s been this way from the beginning. The import of nearly 100 million slaves, the holocaust of the Native Americans, The Mexican war (because the US/UK wanted California and also Texas for some reason), the Spanish-American war, Wood-peck Wilson secretly sending troops to Russia in 1918 to spark the "cold war" (which was neither cold nor a war) and so on and so forth leading up to the invasion of Afghanistan to reclaim the poppy-fields for the heroin trade, build a natural gas pipeline from the Caspian sea and the disastrous invasion of Iraq for oil and strategic military positioning.

When do we pick up the check for all the blood that has been spilled? When does the rest of the world stop paying the tab? You're are living in a fantasy world. Americans believe they are masters of the universe when in fact they are nothing more than domesticated pets of the London exchange. Your leash is the monetary system and your master is a combination of fundamentalist religion and tv news. You sit-up, lie-down, roll-over and bark on command, with absolutely no desire to change anything. 

I hope this essay was offensive. That was the intent. Especially if you have taken part in making this bed. It’s time that you lie down in it.

Skip Jones


  1. Skip, your essay was not offensive to me. I had no part in making this "bed" we call America or US or whatever.... my parents were first generation children of immigrants trying to escape the effed up world they were born into. Surprise, they got stuck here in this effed up system. My closest friend in my life is Native American I love her dearly and we have often spoke of the injustices and "systems" that never allow us to get ahead no matter what the hell we do. So, in the spirit of free thought and will, carry on, I quite like your writing. I am also a writer and you may find me at I am posting a link to this blog on my sub domain Raven Files so I can speak my mind on this human experiment I was born into. Peace.

    1. Thank you for the comment. I will be sure to check out your website. Peace be unto you.

  2. You speak the absolute TRUTH Mr.Skip,and i admire and commend you for it...This group that call themselves religious ,or Christians,that are supposedly in search of the TRUTH are not in search of anything!!!It's like their eyes have been sewn shut.If there was an organization in this country that should've and possibly could've ,at one time,stood up against this slavery driven tyrrany,according to the way they depict themselves to be,they should be it .but hah ,yeah right ...they have already got everything figured out,and most are Hippocrates...I am very spiritual and know that the one who created me Loves me and everyone and everything in existence or else it would not be here...I call it My God ,Or my Creator ,or the Greatest One...and no matter what you call him he is inside of us all!!!as for my self I'll stick to spirituality over religion all my days and will teach my boys to be the same if that's the TRUTH they can feel in their hearts...all I will do is lead them down this path for a time...then it will be their choice thru what I've shown them ,and what they've Deen for themselves to make their own decisions..I often think of how our creator must feel,and several times I have broke down in tears...May the Great Creator bless you all if your days here,and in the True freedom of your afterlife Mr.SKIP...KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!What you're doing is what defines a man!is what separates Free Men from Slave Puppets!!! :-)
